Program > Guest Speakers

For this 29th edition, we will have the pleasure to welcome two guest speakers.


We are pleased to announce the participation of Dr. Caroline Emilie Paul and Prof. Damien Debecker, who will present their work during plenary lectures. You will also be able to meet them during a round table discussion, a privileged moment to learn more about their careers and their visions of research. 





Caroline E. Paul obtained her bachelor's and master's degrees in biological chemistry at the University of Toronto under the guidance of Pr. M. Nitz, followed by a PhD at the University of Oviedo in 2013 under the supervision of professors V. Gotor-Fernández and I. Lavandera as part of the European BIOTRAINS project.

After completing her postdoctoral research under the « Marie Curie » scholarship grant with Prof. F. Hollmann (TU Delft), she was awarded a scholarship from the program « NWO VENI » which allowed her to pursue her research in biomimetic cofactors for oxidoreductases enzymes at Wageningen University.

Since october 2018 she works as an assistant professor in biocatalysis at the biotechnology department at TU Delf university. 







After studying bioengineering, Damien Debecker obtained a PhD in heterogeneous catalysis at the Catholic University of Leuven with Prof. Eric Gaigneaux.

After a first postdoctoral work in materials chemistry with Prof. Clément Sanchez (Collège de France, Paris), and a second one in biocatalysis with Prof. Nicholas Turner (University of Manchester), he moved to the University of Leuven where he founded his own research group, focusing on inorganic and materials chemistry, solid state characterisation and biocatalysis. His aim is to use heterogeneous catalysts (and immobilized enzymes) to carry out chemical reactions and design chemical processes in a more sustainable way.





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